What Anyone Can Do With Leo Bottary & Randy Cantrell

Eddie Turner On Executive Coaching And The Pandemic



Eddie Turner is an in-demand expert in leadership development. Forbes called Eddie the preeminent authority on emerging leaders. He works as an executive coach for senior and emerging leaders.  Eddie delivers keynote speeches and facilitates learning delivery and executive strategy sessions. Eddie is a Certified Speaking Professional™ (CSP®) and ranked #6 on the “Top 30” list of Motivational Speakers by Global Gurus. He is also a certified trainer and master facilitator. Eddie is one of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches. Find out more about him at his website, Eddie Turner LLC. We hope you’ll buy and read Leo’s latest book, Peernovation: What Peer Advisory Groups Can Teach Us About Building High-Performing Teams. The Kindle version is just $3.99 (as we publish this today, June 2021) in order to make it available to as many people as possible. Buy it for you and your group or team members today.  If you like to listen, the audiobook is available now, too!. #ThePowerOfWEBeginsWithYOU #Peernovation For ideas