Ben Coomber Radio

#617 - Humans are Lazy & Like Drugs



Humans are naturally lazy, we seek ease, comfort and minimal expenditure for maximum return, the issue is this can be counter productive in our modern world. Today we venture down a few rabbit holes looking at human movement and whether we are actually as sedentary as the media constantly tells us we are, whether this affects our metabolism, how we can hack our own natural instincts, how this compares to tribes like the Hadza in Tanzania, and, why humans like drugs that give us a high, or low, and how that plays into the desire to take 'supplements'. Its a different one this one, enjoy...Episode References: Sitting, squatting, and the evolutionary biology of human inactivityD, A. Raichlen et all. PNAS. Sedentary Behavior: Emerging Evidence for a New Health Risk. N, Owen, et all. Mayo Clinic.