Remaking Magic

Re-Making Magic Episode 11



Join Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the eleventh episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Dan talks about his trip to GDC and meeting lots of WOTC people Critique a card: Duneblast & the ruin mechanic Talk about how to make ruin a fun and flavorful mechanic Introduce some common designer traps Discuss the "This designer is a moron" trap The tenancy for us to do the opposite of something good just to be different Talk about why its never "the players fault" Community spotlight: Isocron Drafter - A custom card drafting program You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc