Travel Tales

ep. 27 Rachel Reenstra



Whether swimming with sharks or standing in bat guano, the show must go on. Travel has brought many things to comedian/actress/TV host Rachel Reenstra, and they all seem to be a little out of the ordinary. As host of Animal Planet's "Ms. Adventure", she traveled as far as the jungles of Borneo to film interactions with animals in their natural habitats. She repelled into bat caves, wallowed ears-deep in mud pits, and battled temperatures that would make most showbiz divas fire their agents. But Rachel is cut from a different cloth. Needless to say, her stories veer to the "extreme" side of the tourism spectrum. Stick around for the whole episode, when Rachel unexpectedly reveals her true colors and talks about taking a Rick Springfield fan cruise. Is she secretly Jesse's Girl? Listen and find out!