Porty Podcast

76 Edinburgh Shoreline Project



Edinburgh has 27km of coastline from Port Edgar to Joppa. Other cities around the world have made the most of having such a sea front – Edinburgh, for the most part, hasn’t. You can’t walk or cycle the coast from end to end. Instead, large areas are blocked off by industrial buildings, some dating back centuries. But change is slowly taking place. There’s a growing appreciation of the important role of the shoreline habitat. And now, a year-long project, under the guidance of the Royal Botanic Gardens, is bringing together schools, community groups and individuals to join together and work to regenerate natural habitats along the Forth. We joined a group from Portobello at the Seafield end of the Prom. Anyone who would like to get involved in any way can contact Charlotte Johnson at cjohnson@rbge.org.uk