
Flourish - Episode #13: "Why Read the Bible?"



Do you believe the Bible has spiritual power and in some way is actually alive? Is that silly to say? Flourish hosts Emily and Erin get personal in this episode, where they each share their experiences with the Bible and how it has changed for them over the years. In addition, they discuss how to make sure reading it becomes a spiritual experience that has application (and not just a check the box religious thing,) as well as where the heck to start reading it. Is there a better place to start? Is it not the very first page? We believe there is a correlation between studying and integrating scripture into our lives and flourishing! We all need an owners manual, a compass and a love letter from God. We encourage you to listen and give the Bible a chance to transform your life. Come visit our Facebook page if you have further questions or would like to be encouraged further. We'd love to see you there!