The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

Was Southwest Discriminating Against a Muslim Man When He was Removed from a Flight After Speaking in Arabic?



In this episode of the podcast, Attorney Rosensweig is discussing the case that was filed in federal court by Khairuldeen Makhzoomi against Southwest Airlines, after he was removed from a flight in 2016.  At the time, Makhzoomi was 26 years old, a student at UC Berkley, an Iraqi refugee and American citizen.  The night before the flight, Makhzoomi had attended a UN event and was able to ask a question of the Secretary General regarding Iraq trying to liberate people in Mosul from ISIS.   When he boarded the plane, he called his uncle in Iraq to tell him about the exciting events from the night before.  A woman sitting in front of him heard him speaking in Arabic and thought she heard him say a word that means "Martyr" in her own language.  She became concerned so she reported him.  He was then removed from the plane for questioning and, according to him, a Southwest agent told him that he should not be speaking "that language" on the plane and that he would not be taking that flight.  Afte