Health Talk With The Stoners

061: The Power Of Music



In this crazy time with COVID -19 changing every aspect of our lives we need to find outlets to sooth us through the day. What better way than by the relaxing power of music. The connection between relaxation and music is well documented and there has always been a positive link to our emotions. Whether it is listening for pleasure or as a stress reliever, listening to music can have can have that relaxing effect that is good for our minds and bodies.In our health and sanity we need music in our lives. Listen in as we look into this amazing and helpful thing we call music!For more information on how to stay healthy check out our BLOGS on nutrition or reach out to Mickayla for Programs and Coaching that take the whole 24 into account. Remember it's not just the hour working out that matters. its the other 23 that matter the most!xo Michael & Mickayla