Shepherd Of The Desert Podcast

November is for Thanksgiving, Week 5 | November 29th 2020 | Online Worship



Week 5:  “One Last Snapshot of a Thankful Heart:”  Philemon Sometimes gratitude can be taught as, for instance, our Shepherd family learned a few weeks ago in this message series.  Usually, gratitude is “caught”.  The discipline and habit of showing gratitude bleeds over into the lives of others.  In this final week of November, we’ll spend some time taking in the lessons of a short letter of the New Testament:  Philemon.  Here we’ll see a grateful Paul pay it forward on behalf of a servant by the name of Onesimus.  Advocating for his well-being with his master, Philemon, Paul underscores all of his words with a single sentiment:  thankfulness.  The anchor of Paul’s gratitude?  Our common faith and hope in Jesus Christ, whether slave or free, Jew or Greek, rich or poor.