Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Petrified Wood: A Crystal for Grounding & Ancestor Connection



Petrified Wood is the name given to fossilized wood - any stone that has replaced organic wood material with a type of mineral (typically Agate or Opal). A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Petrified Wood: "I invite the wisdom of my ancestors to help guide me for the highest good of my being." Common Healing Properties of Petrified Wood: Enhances grounding practices Facilitates your connection with the natural world (especially to dryads, tree spirits, & the faery realm) Helps you access ancient wisdom and ancestor guidance Encourages you to take responsibility for your own energy Increases protection Helps you get focused and set a balanced pace for your day Instills patience Promotes creative problem-solving skills Encourages positive transformation Assists with past life work Strengthens your willpower Colors: Opaque, multi-color bands and rings ranging from black to dark brown and tan, and even cream, orange, and red. Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus,