Asia Rising

Webinar: Australia-Southeast Asia Relations: The Post COVID-19 Regional Order



The relationship between Australia and Southeast Asian countries has grown substantially in the last decade, from a marriage of convenience to the development of regional agendas, strategic partnerships and shared economic interests. A global pandemic has shifted priorities, and vaccine diplomacy throughout the region has both shifted and strengthened existing allegiances. Has Australia’s actions during the pandemic helped or hindered relationships with Southeast Asian nations? What will the post-COVID-19 regional order of Southeast Asia look like? The launch of the 5th issue of the La Trobe Asia Policy Brief. Speakers: Professor Caitlyn Byrne (Director, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University) Chen Chen Lee (Advisor (Diplomacy) to Asialink) Dr Huong Le Thu (Senior Analyst, The Australian Strategic Policy Institute) Dr Jeffrey Wilson (Policy Fellow, Perth USAsia Centre) Dr Bec Strating (Executive Director at La Trobe Asia)(Chair) Recorded on 7th July, 2021. This publication is a product of a fruitfu