Health Talk With The Stoners

055: 10 Small Food Swaps For Big Changes



Do you want BIG changes in your life? Well, what if I told you all you had to do was make a few small changes? Would you believe me?You better, as we take you through 10 minuscule food swaps that will create a lasting impression in your life. Most of you know, both of us are very much against the so called term "diet." We believe in a lifestyle change and something that will last the test of time. Life is about balance and while you can still enjoy the goodness of what life offers, some little changes may be what sets you up on the road to a healthier and happier you.For more nutrition advice connect with Mickayla and take advantage of her Define & Sculpt or Detox program that will jumpstart your system and get you feeling great.LETS DO THIS!!xo Michael & Mickayla