Shepherd Of The Desert Podcast

Being Challenge Keystone Habit 3: Prioritize Prayer | October 11th Sermon



Have you talked to God lately? Simply put, prayer is conversation with God. It's how we communicate with Him as our Father and Creator. All relationships require regular and intentional communication, and our relationship with God is no different. This week in the Being Challenge we'll be honing in on the third keystone habit- Prioritize Prayer. Our world is full of distractions and confusion that divert our attention away from our relationship with God and His Son, Jesus. When we prioritize prayer in our lives, we carve out habitual time to lay our hopes, dreams, struggles, joys, and fears at our Lord's feet, trusting that He not only hears us but actually desires to be in relationship with us. Prayer is our first response rather than a last resort in our lives. As we learn what it means to prioritize prayer this week, we will learn to walk more closely with God our Father as Jesus did. In turn, we'll discover what it means to stay connected with our Lord no matter what life throws our wa