John Rosemberg Podcast

Vatican City The Most Powerful State In The World



Vatican City The Most Powerful State in The world. It’s has its own laws and it’s not a part of Italia . When the Roman Empire was destroyed. They Catholic Church went underground. They were converted into Christianity. During that time Constantine was in power . He brought a lot of paganism rituals into Christianity. That’s y Most Christians go to church’s on Sunday. Those of us who studies the Bible. Understand the bible stated that Saturday is the day Of worship not Sunday. It’s in the Laws. All of those holidays we celebrate today came from the Vatican and Egypt. Christmas, Easter valentine Day and Halloween. That’s y in the book of revelation they reference to the Vatican as one of the beast. There’s nothing holy about the Vatican. They have been molesting young men for centuries. Now the world is waking up to the reality. We need to be more vigilant and aware of our history. This Government is not interesting in telling us the truths about the history of this world.. we need to do our own reacheachs. -