Grace Chapel - San Diego

Conversations: Identity Formation & Reclaiming Biblical Identity with Bessy Holdren



OverviewOn today’s podcast, Bessy Holdren, a marriage and family therapist, talks with Alanna Sullivan on Identity formation, what true Biblical Identity looks like, and how to use a simple acronym PBC (Prayer-Bible-Community) to stay rooted in a Biblical Identity during challenging times. Identity Form: 0:00 - 13:00Bessy talks about her own identity formation growing up as an immigrant child from Honduras. Identity Formation: 14:00-19:00Bessy talks about factors that typically influence identity formation and how Covid has been a catalyst in exposing these early formational challenges. Identity Formation: 19:30-30:00Bessy talks through Biblical identity and a simple acronym to root us in Biblical identity during challenging times (PBC).PrayerBible:Community:  Bonus: 17 Bible Verses to Remind You of Your Identity in ChristJohn 1:12 ~”Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”Romans 8:28~ “And we know that in all things God works for the goo