Upside Downtrodden

Upside Downtrodden - episode 73



EPISODE 73 TOPICS: SCOTT'S SAG NOM COMM COMMITMENT, SEAN LOVES HIS CHICKENS, LIVE BY THIS CREDO MOBILE, JAMAICAN MONKEY LONG GANJA, MINIVANS NOT JUST FOR SOCCER MOMS ANY MORE, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE FOR PUSSIES, SEAN CONSIDERING NAME CHANGE TO "ACTION JACKSON", KIM KARDASHIAN HAS 10% OF A GOOD HEART, HOLY FUKUSHIMA BATMAN, DERRICK JENSEN'S RESISTANCE GUIDE, ISHTAR - WAS A BAD MOVIE, NOW A BAD PRAYER    EPISODE 73 SEGMENTS: JUSTWORTHY CAUSE, DEAD TO THE WORLD, SPRAYED IN AMERICA UPDATE, ROTATING TAP: NEW YEAR'S REVOLUTIONS, THE NEWS REUSED, DISCUSSION TIME, THE BENEDICTION We live in a world of make-believe, institutionalized by man-made systems of control which seek to disparage, undermine, and enslave society. Let Scott Mullin and Sean Namanny help set you free. They're making a documentary film about it all, and somewhere along the way they decided to chronicle their amazing journey with a weekly podcast. Podcast episodes will explore civilization, religion, government, the media, corporations, politics, cons