Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 38: Andi Keh



On unraveling blocks in the body, the healing that wants to come through you, and the merits of staying curious. Andi Keh is an artist and natural fabric dyer in Brooklyn, NY. She is the illustrator of The Moon Deck. Born and raised in Southern Indiana, her love for creating began as early as she can remember. Painting murals on her bedroom walls and drawing after school was her favorite pastime. At 20, she traveled and worked in fashion abroad in Italy and France, then followed her heart to NYC, where she received a degree in Textile/Surface Design in 2005. She married her love, William Keh, and became a full time mama of Ruby and West. She worked from home while also pursuing spiritual practices and yoga studies. She was certified as a Vinyasa yoga teacher through Yogamaya NYC, and taught family and private yoga classes. Divine timing led her to co-create The Moon Deck in 2014 — a world renowned oracle set of 44 illustrated cards + guidebook. Graphite drawing, watercolor painting and natural fabric dyeing w