The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

Why Trump Can't Block Critics from Accessing His Twitter Account



In this episode, Ms. Rosensweig discusses the Court of Appeals decision, ruling that Trump engaged in viewpoint discrimination when he blocked certain users on Twitter who disagreed with his tweets.  The various arguments that were raised by Trump will be outlined and the Court's reasoning as to why and how Trump violated the users' first amendment rights will be explained.  Ms. Rosensweig will also discuss how the court's ruling has now prompted two lawsuits against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for blocking users on Twitter from accessing her account.  Finally, what, if anything, does this case mean in terms of Twitter's exposure in future cases?  If someone can be held to have violated someone's first amendments rights on Twitter can Twitter itself be accused of violating a user's first amendment rights when it removes that person from the platform or deletes their tweets?  Please take a listen and let me know what you think!