Health Talk With The Stoners

059: Covid-19 Real Talk... We Are All In This Together!



REAL TALK!We know the stress levels of everyone are at an all time high. With the uncertainty in the world we wanted to take some time to have a real talk discussion as we are self quarantined in our home. The truth is that we are all in this together but rather than look at the negatives, we want to find the silver lining, the hope, the faith that we as a world can get through this and be better connected than we have ever been.In this time of children home from school, lives disrupted, travel stoppages, we want to make sure you are still taking care of yourself and making you and your loved ones a priority. A stronger you, means a stronger us!To help you with that, below are several links to keep your immunity up, boost your overall health and keep you pushing through. Raw Women's ProbioticsOrganifi GREEN Elderberry KitsALSO, LETS STAY CONNECTED & FIT. Mickayla has created a facebook group called Tone From Home. A safe space where women are for women! Where we believe in chasing freedom and strengt