Creative Warriors

401: Steve Olsher- Discover Your WHAT



Do you have moments of feeling unfulfilled in your life? Perhaps you’re chasing the wrong purpose. To really know what you should be doing in life, you need to discover your WHAT. What is it you’re good at? What is it you are meant to do? So many people focus on the why, and it is important to know why you do what you do. But without the WHAT, you’re never going to be able to master your talents. Have you ever known someone who was really smart, but ended up doing nothing with their talent? Known someone who was amazing at basketball, but never even tried out for their college team? They didn’t understand what it was their gift is. The good news is, it’s never too late. You can discover your WHAT now, and use it to leverage your field. Sometimes we’re just too close to ourselves to really realize our purpose, which is why I brought on an amazing guest to dive further into it: Steve Olsher. Steve is known as the world’s foremost reinvention expert. Famous for helping individuals and corporations become excepti