Creative Warriors

392: Michael Barber - Email Marketing Done Right



Some people think email marketing is dead. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you want to really build success in your business, one of the most important things you can do is build a strong email campaign. In the end, it’s the only online marketing asset you can really own. Your social media following will never be owned by you, it’ll be owned by Facebook, or Instagram, or Twitter. The problem today is that you can’t get away with mediocre emails. You need to use each email you send out to bridge that gap of humanity. Take the time to show your consumers you understand them, that you really know what they want and ultimately that you care. On this episode of Creative Warriors, we are joined by one of the greats when it comes to online marketing: Michael Barber. Michael Barber is the Senior Vice President, Chief Creative Officer at Godfrey. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. His work has been awarded numerous industry awards, but more importantly has driven suc