Creative Warriors

391: Michelle Weinstein- Self-Worth and Your Sales



Do you ever worry that you’re charging too much for your services? If you’re like most of my Creative Warriors, you do. So many times creatives lack self-worth. They discount themselves so much, that in the end even their clients don’t value them as much as they should. Instead of acting like an item on the clothing rack of Walmart, think of yourself as a limited edition item at Louis Vuitton. You’re not meant for everyone. You’re special. You’re Unique. You’re worth top dollar. In the end, you want to find that perfect client. The one that you really connect with. It’s ok to pass on some clients, and charge premium for your unique skill sets. There’s only one you, and as long as you are delivering on quality, you should never be on sale. Instead of trying to focus on getting as many clients as you can, focus on getting your ideal clients. Find the ones that respect and appreciate your work so much that they are willing to spend the extra money. Look at it like this, at the end of the day you need $10. Would