Creative Warriors

390: Talking Stick- Your #1 Growth Strategy



What's the fastest way to grow your business and be profitable? Should I tell you or make you listen to the episode? Hmm.....alright, I'll tell you. It's to only work with your ideal customers. Does that sound obvious? Then why do so many businesses accept whatever business comes along and never get ahead? You'll have to listen to the episode to understand how working with your ideal customers is your #1 growth strategy and especially to hear what NOT to do.   The Talking Stick is in your hands now. Let us hear from you. Be part of the conversation - We want to hear your opinion on the topic. Let us know what you think or share a personal story. Join our community Facebook group, Creative Warriors Unite, at and add to the conversation. My book, LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer's Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible is now available! Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support Available for speaking Resources - Joey Coleman's book, Never Lose a Customer Again 12 Must-Ha