Creative Warriors

387: Lauren Fritsch - How to Stop Choosing Between Joy and Money



As people we all want two things: Joy and Money. It’s been a stereotype that we have to choose between one or the other. How many times have you seen the cliche of a starving artist on the verge of eviction every month, or the business man who hates his life but has a car full of Ferraris? The truth is we can have our cake and eat it too. Especially as a Creative Warrior. Creatives spend their times mastering skills, and as a result you should be charging premium rates for it. On the other hand, running a business can come with it’s challenges, and things we may dread. Luckily there are things we can do to make sure there is joy in our work literally every day. You may need to take some tasks and delegate them to others. Other times you may need to change your perspective in order to find the joy in the tedious. On this episode of Creative Warriors, we are joined by Lauren Fritsch. Lauren Fritsch is a speaker, entrepreneur, artist, and mom. Her mental model, the Joy|Money Matrix, is a simple tool that empower