Creative Warriors

306: Michael Glauser - Visiting Entrepreneurs Across America By Bike



We often times ask ourselves, “How am I feeling?” When we focus on this question, we concentrate on the negatives. What we should be asking ourselves is, “How am I thinking?” You need to concentrate on your outlook and the positive aspects of the journey you are on. Michael Glauser joins us this week to discuss the discoveries he made about entrepreneurship while bicycling across the country. On this journey he discovered nine things that makes a successful entrepreneur, and we are lucky enough to hear them on this episode of Creative Warriors. Being an entrepreneur is hard on the soul and this causes many people to give up. There are many secrets to get past the hard times. You not only need to find passion in what you do, but you need to have a clearly defined purpose to keep you on track. It’s also important to have a strong support team you can turn to when you need help. Download this episode of Creative Warriors to get amazing insight from Michael Glauser. WARRIOR OF TENACITY “I had a number of jou