Creative Warriors

304: Monica Leonelle - 7 steps to making money with your passions



What’s stopping you from making money on your passions? Do you feel you’re not ready yet? That your work isn’t good enough? That you just don’t have the time to get it all done? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the problem is you. We all strive to be perfect, or to be the best. Unfortunately, that’s just not a reality. The best is in the eye of the beholder. Chances are you know plenty of people out there who are making a good amount of money even though in reality they are mediocre at best. Why should they make money, and not you? Monica Leonelle joins us this week to share her expertise about making it as a creative. She explains why you are putting too much pressure on yourself, and how chances are you are ready to start making money on your passions right now. Often times you need to unblock yourself and move forward. Monica lays out seven simple steps to getting on the path of turning what you love from a dream and hobby into a successful career. WARRIOR OF TRY and TRUST “Get somet