The James Swanwick Show

273: It’s Time for a Change; Where Should I Move?



Show notes: Is there a place where you have always dreamed of moving to, just haven't made the decision to do so yet? If so, why haven’t you moved there? What is holding you back from acting on these feelings? Recently I have been tossing around the idea of moving to a new place. I have lived in LA for a while now, and am craving something new and exciting. I would love to live in a place where the entrepreneurial scene is flourishing. A place with a strong sense of community, preferably not a huge city. I want to move to a place where I can connect to the local community, make friends with the locals, and learn about the culture. Do you live in a place that sounds like the above? Or have you visited a place that reminds you of this?On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James details his desire to move, and asks for suggestions on where to move to. Key Points Where is the one place that you've visited that made you want to go back and live there permanently one day? I am wondering w