The James Swanwick Show

269: Past Pain And Present Energy; How Do You Resolve This? With Cindy Mazzaferro



Show notes: Do you have past pain? Does past negative energy hold you back from feeling truly happy? Is something in your past weighing you down? Does it bring about an on-going feeling of mediocrity? We all have felt these negative emotions at one time or another. On this show I interview Cindy Mazzaferro, a motivational speaker, and energy and vibrational healer who details different steps to resolve past pain and present energy. She teachers others how to transform their mental understanding, by taking action steps forward in the opposite direction from what is holding them back. Do you often times find yourself falling down a negative downward spiral? Or having trouble with positive energy? Find out how you can resolve your problems with negative energy and negative emotions on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways Cindy explains how past energy, and emotions, can trickle into your everyday energy, and often times can affect your mood in a negative way. It is common