Muscle Expert Podcast | Ben Pakulski Interviews | How To Build Muscle & Dominate Life

110- Dr. Dominic D’Agostino- The King of Keto with a Science Deep Dive



Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is one of the world’s leading researchers on the ketogenic diet. Dr. D’Agostino is a researcher and assistant professor at the University of South Florida’s College of medicine and consistently works with the military and NASA to develop ways for soldiers and astronauts to stay energized and sharp while on mission. Ben and Dominic go deep on how to best adapt to fat for fuel, how to supplement fats and ketones for optimal performance both physically and mentally as well as discuss who the ketogenic diet is for and optimal nutrition for keto. This episode is brought to you by Thrive Market! Go to for 25% off your first order and free shipping for a month. Go stock up on all of your fats! 6:30- What is the best way to get keto adapted as quickly as possible? 10:15- How much fat is too much fat in one sitting? 12:45- The viability of exogenous ketones vs other supplemental fats such as MCT’s. 21:00- What’s the appropriate dose of exogenous ketones? 25:00- Sho