Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

30 Things You Can Do To STOP Changing the World



The well-intentioned rallying cry to “change the world” becomes louder and more hashtag-worthy, especially as Earth Day approaches. A search on Google garners millions of results for articles to help people make a difference: *10 Things That Even YOU Can Do to Change the World*30 Things You Can Do to Change the World in 30 Seconds*50 Ways YOU Can Change the World without Leaving Your Favorite Chair. The problem is that we're asking the wrong thing of people. It’s not that we CAN change the world. It’s that we ARE changing the world. What we need to do is STOP changing the world -- and change ourselves instead.  This podcast is sponsored by listeners like you. Help it continue. Supporters receive such perks as written podcast transcripts.  Listen by clicking the play button below or by subscribing to the RSS feed or listening through iTunes, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.