Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

Valuing One Life, Changing the Barometer, and Knowing You Can't Please Everyone!



Join me for today's episode as I tell the story of intervening when I found a sick raccoon while traveling and as I answer questions related to my favorite teas, to changing the barometer by which we measure all things vegan, and to coming to terms with the fact that we can't please everyone when trying to do good. An emailer in the "What Would Colleen Do?" segment asked how to handle the "vegan police" who criticize her for organizing dinner meet-ups at non-vegan restaurants. Today's Tweetables: "One life matters - especially to the one whose life it is." ~Colleen Patrick-Goudreau #foodforthought "Effective leaders do their best to make reasonable, mindful decisions, but they also know they can’t please everyone." ~Colleen Patrick-Goudreau #foodforthought