Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

Being Vegan is a Means to An End. It is Not An End in Itself.



In today's episode, I share my experience - and a fun audio clip - from my recent visit to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, the Albany (NY) VegFest, and Red Robin Song Animal Sanctuary (and vegan guest house). I also answer your questions about whether or not it's "vegan" to visit natural history museums (that feature stuffed dead animals), about what I feed my cats, and about what my favorite teas are. I wrap up today's episode with The Compassionate Life segment in which I share my story about going from a compassionate child to a desensitized adult and back again. Today's Tweetable: "Being vegan is not about trying to be perfect. It’s about doing the best we can do avoid causing harm to someone else."