Polyamory Weekly

527 Establishing relationship patterns



What behavioral patterns do you establish at the beginning of your relationships, and why does that matter? 0:00 Introduction and host chat Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com 1:00 Announcements If you want to have us speak at your event outside the US and are willing to host a fundraiser to finance our travel, we are happy to donate classes, signed books and even relationship coaching to help you out! Interested? Email lustyguy@polyweekly.com 5:10 Poly in the News The third edition of their seminal book, The Ethical Slut! 6:20 Topic: behavioral patterns in your relationships (and how to establish them) Sarah from Australia asked for Lusty Guy to elaborate on his comment about patterns at the start of relationship establishing what will happen later on in the relationship. What patterns do you establish when you start dating? Any red flag behaviors? What the hell is Lusty Guy talking about? A pattern is the behavior you adopt in the face of differing styles or approaches to stuf