Polyamory Weekly

526: Poly comet special



What is a "comet," and why are they valuable? 0:00 Introduction and host chat Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com Koe Creation cohosts 1:00 Announcements Poly Dallas Millennium got a great write up in the Dallas Observer! 2:45 Poly in the News Polish ethicist addresses polyamory—because his grandfather was poly Poly comedian in the U.K. describes her polyamory as feminist and liberating Koe mentions Sex at Dawn 7:30 Topic: let’s talk about poly comets! A listener calls in to ask more about poly comets. Rough definition of a comet: An occasional lover who passes through one’s life semi-regularly, but without an expectation of continuity or a romantic relationship. For more poly terms, check out More Than Two’s excellent poly glossary. Koe shares their ideas on long-term comets and short-term comets 18:45 Feedback The chairperson of Poly Denmark writes in to let us know that poly is alive and well in Scandinavia and has been for over 10 years! Polydan; includes e-mail list. Pol