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Ep. 37: 70 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class at Swerve Studio- Praying and Doing,



"without courage we can never attain to true simplicity, cowardice keeps us double minded, hesitating between the world and God. In this hesitation there is no true faith. Faith remains an opinion. This hesitation is a death of hope. We never let go of those visible supports which we well know must one day surely fail us, and this hesitation makes true prayer impossible. It never quite dares to ask for anything, or if it asks it is so uncertain of being heard, that in the very act of asking it surreptitiously seeks by human prudence to construct a make shift answer. What is the use of praying if at the very moment of prayer we have so little confidence in God that we are busy planning our own kind of answer to our prayer?" Thomas Merton Check out YoGeek Workout  The Sequence: All Fours/Downward Facing Dog/One Legged Downward Facing Dog Short Down Dog into a Long Downdog (listen and know!) Surya Namakar x 3 (with small variations) Tadasana (meditation, focusing on the left side of the body) THE FOLLOWING SEQUE