Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

CA051: Avoiding the 'F' word and the fear of failure



“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~ Socrates Nobody likes the ‘f’ word. And we’re not talking about that old Anglo-Saxon epletive some people call swearing. No, this is much worse! This is something that absolutely nobody likes or wants to be familiar with. It’s FAILURE. No-one wants to fail. In fact we’re programmed to avoid it where possible – or at lest to avoid what getting out of our comfort zone might do to us. The Fear of Failure The fear of failure runs deep in all of us. It lurks buried in our psyche, only to raise it’s head when we want to change something in our lives or business or try something new. It seems virtually impossible to become an adult and escape picking up a fear of failure along the way. The fear of failure scuppers invention and enterprise; stops us fulfilling our potential and living our best life – if we let it. We try to avoid it where we can, either by staying safe, living small within our comfortable familiar world, or by procrastinating over any action that might i