Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

CA049: Time for action



“Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory.” ~ Virginia Woolf You know what you want, you’ve created your vision and set your goals. You’ve got in the right mindset and done the mental preparation. You’ve planned your actions and know where to start – so what now? Well it’s time to actually do it – it’s time for action. Planning for action is key but none of it matters if you don't put your plan into action and follow through on your goals. Changeability is about taking action. But it’s not a ‘running around like a headless chicken’ sort of action. It’s not being busy for the sake of it action. It’s about managing your mind to make changes in your life, and that means it’s action based on mind management techniques. The very techniques we talk about on The Changeability Podcast and are laid out in the Changeability: Manage your Mind – Change your Life book. If you follow and practice these your action becomes: Action born of your visi