Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

Eps 124: Produce Scalable Profits Using Facebook Groups with Christina Jandali



Are you ready to produce scalable profits? Who isn’t really?I DON’T WANT TO BE IN THE BOX ANYMORE! GET ME OUT OF THE BOX!This is what Christina Jandali yells five minutes into our chat. She was trying to scale her business, and just couldn’t get there. So, she decided to find the secret to success. And she found it through Facebook groups, would you believe!BAM. That’s when things changed. And she shares all she knows about scalable profits in this fantastic conversation on the Untapped Podcast.Christina is a confidence-boosting, cash-creating Business Growth Strategist who helps coaches and course creators build a raving fan base and produce scalable profits by hosting a free Facebook group. She is a self-made millionaire who started her business from ground zero during maternity leave from her corporate job when she decided it was time to build her own dreams, not someone else's. She's since worked with thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide to create their own predictable cash flow machin