
Episode 111 : Ergheiz (PlayStation)



We're taking on another Patron-request, this time from Joey Z!  He's requested that we cover Squaresoft's 3d fighting game / Final Fantasy VII tie-in -- Ergheiz!  I'm sure if you remember a game on the PS1 where you could fight as Sephiroth, this was it.  But other than the connection to a beloved franchise, what does this game have to offer?  We take a look, and also get Joey's take on why he requested it. Also covered, some listener questions about the forgotten Weekend Warrior episodes, Ghouls and Ghosts, and a follow-up tip about the butthole thing from last show.  Sorry? Want to skip right to the inevitable choice to play as Cloud?   Start at 8:15! __________________________ If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at ht