Naturally Nourished

Episode 239: Baby Led Weaning



Have you heard of baby led weaning? Thinking about skipping purees with your little one and going straight to solids? Want to know what Noah is eating at 8 months old? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss baby led weaning and how they decided this was the right way to introduce real food to their babes from the start.    In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss the benefits of baby led weaning, from fine motor skill development to regulation of satiety to expansion of baby’s palate and beyond. Learn about signs of readiness, how to ensure a safe eating environment and first foods to consider. Plus Becki shares Noah’s supplement regimen, tips for dealing with cradle cap and what foods he’s digging these days! Also in this episode:  Food As Medicine Ketosis Program Episode 88: Nourishing Your Toddler and Stella’s 2nd Birthday Episode 229: Real Food and Pregnancy Benefits of Baby Led Weaning Nutrient Needs for 6 Months and Beyond Baby Led Weaning Beverage Stella’s First Birthday Cake Safety and Rea