Lesbian Life

Is Gay the new Ethic?



Cindy McCain Defies Husband, Comes Out Against DADT by Kilian Melloy Arizona Sen. John McCain, whose threatened filibuster helped derail a Congressional repeal of the anti-gay law that bans open GLBTs from military service, not only faces criticism in the press for his stance; he’s also at odds on the home front over the issue. Both McCain’s wife, Cindy, and his daughter, Meghan, have come out as strong supporters of efforts to repeal "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell." Cindy McCain is featured in a video about GLBT youth suicide, speaking to the way in which "political and religious leaders" foster anti-gay oppression, "telling[ing] LGBT youth that they have no future." Adds McCain, "They can’t serve our country openly." Others in the video point out other avenues to legal equality and civic participation that are closed to sexual minorities, such as blood donation and federal recognition of their families. But Cindy McCain’s line is especially pointed, given that her husband has not only refused to allow l