Lesbian Life

Who is your role model?



Who should your role model be?  1) Choose someone who has a lot of confidence in themselves and their abilities. A good role model would be someone who knows who they are. You don't want someone who is down and who will bring you down. You want someone who won't pretend to be someone they are not, and won't be fake just to suit other people. 2) Consider someone who thinks it is alright to be unique; even if that means accepting some ridicule. They should make you feel good about being yourself, they shouldn't make you compare yourself to them and wish you were pretty. 3) Think about someone who interacts well with others', and someone who is kind and can communicate well with people. 4) Look for someone who is living life the way you would like to. If you want to be a famous author, your role model could be someone who has been successful at writing. If you have always wanted to be a nurse, your role model could be someone at your local hospital