Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Alejandro Freund: The path to shutting down a Latin American Startup, Ep 132



Alejandro Freund: The path to shutting down a Latin American Startup, Ep 132 It's not easy to shut down a start up anywhere in the world. But in Latin America, founders feel even more pressure to not lose investor money or admit that their company isn't turning out how they wanted it to.   Alejandro Freund was the co-founder and CEO of YaEsta, at the time, a leading ecommerce company in Ecuador. Since winding down YaEsta, he’s landed on his feet and is now the Country Manager for Rappi in Ecuador.   I want to thank Alejandro for this moment of vulnerability and leadership where he shares with me and the rest of the world the painful process of shutting down a company. In this episode, he talks about the hardships and sacrifices that come with the job, such as managing personal relationships and knowing when to let go of a startup. YaEsta in hindsight When Alejandro launched YaEsta, he believed that all the conditions were in his favor for them to succeed: the idea, the team, the funding. Ecuador was shaping