Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Mandeep Rai, The Values Compass: What 101 Countries Teach Us About Purpose, Life, and Leadership, Ep 121



Mandeep Rai, The Values Compass: What 101 Countries Teach Us About Purpose, Life, and Leadership, Ep 121   Mandeep Rai’s meeting with a Sikh person in the middle of Panama during her sabbatical across Latin America led her on a journey to not only start to understand that the tropical country was a cultural melting pot, but was also a pivotal moment on her journey to write a book titled “The Values Compass”, which talks about the power she discovered from understanding the values and cultures of different countries and how we can learn from them to lead a more fulfilled life.   She’s only an international best-selling author, but also an investor, mentor, and broadcast journalist for the BBC World Service. Mandeep started her career in investment banking at JP Morgan, and has worked for the United Nations, the European Commission, and several grassroots NGOs.   I sat down with Mandeep to talk about how a short trip to Latin America served as inspiration for her international best-selling book. We also discuss