Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Gustavo Guida, Alloy Card: Starting Companies in Brazil since 2000, Ep 118



Gustavo Guida, Alloy Card: Starting Companies in Brazil since 2000, Ep 118 Gustavo Guida has been starting companies in Latin America before it was cool. He founded his first company in 2000, during Brazil’s tech bubble. Bondfaro was a price comparison website which, after merging with Buscapé in 2006, became the largest of its kind in Latin America. Since then, Gustavo has continued founding companies including HelpSaude, and most recently, Alloy Card.   As co-founder and co-CEO of Alloy Card, Gustavo is bringing automation to the world of finance. The fintech startup offers consumers a credit card that uses automation to help people have more control over their finances. Alloy Card was also part of 500 Startups’ recent batch and is set to officially launch in the US first.   I sat down with Gustavo to talk about his experience starting a company in Brazil’s tech bubble, then merging with Buscapé, and getting acquired by Naspers. We also discuss his decision to continue starting companies after his first ex