Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

224 Rory Kramer - Dare To Be Real!



When Rory Kramer was last on the show three years ago, he was already a professional 'life-liver' expressing himself creatively and doing what he loved.  And with so many different projects and opportunities coming his way since then, time has flown by for him and has allowed him to grow exponentially in all areas of his life.   Perhaps one of the most important things he's been reminded of time and time again, and something we would all do well to do, is to dare to live the life we want. As Rory will tell you, just because you reach a certain level of fame doesn't mean you won't be faced with challenges, insecurities, and down-moments. In fact, they may even become more pronounced when you compare them to all the highlight you experience.   But regardless of what life throws at you, if you show up, put in time, live what you do passionately, and 'run it' every day, great things will happen and incredible experiences will present themselves in your life.   To hear what Rory's been up to for the past three yea