Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

198 Elisa Rose - Authentic Discovery, Expression, & Healing



  Creating art is a way for us to take who we are and express it in a way that makes it easier for others to understand. But with vulnerable expression comes the risk of judgment and rejection. Whether it comes from others and from ourselves, that fear of judgment can tempt us to hold back from letting others see us and our art. Case in point:  talented singer-songwriter Elisa Rose.   Even though Elisa’s music radiates with messages of healing and awakening that everyone can appreciate, she still held back from releasing her album, "Breath & Bones," even though it was already finished two and a half years ago. Thankfully, she recently released her music and is discovering more positive feedback than she could have imagined and is experiencing the joy of sharing for the sake of sharing.   Tune into Episode 198 of Are You Being Real to hear what exactly led to her releasing her album, what her creative process is like, how growing up on a commune influenced her work, what’s truly driving her desire to creat