Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

188 Jackie Knechtel - Living In A State of Effortless Flow



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Imagine being able to always feel it seems that everything you want and need is showing up for you at the same time and everything is in your favor.  Wouldn’t that be amazing? Jackie thinks so, and she’s here to help us make that a reality for us by showing us the basic of how to tap into our flow consciousness. On Episode 188, Mark sits down with the co-founder of The Flow Consciousness Institute and author of the upcoming book Flow: The Art of Effortless Living, Jackie Knechtel.  She one of the most well-traveled, energetic people I know and she is a master at living intentionally in flow. In this episode, she shows us how we can learn to more easily follow the breadcrumbs that life leaves in our path, how we should look at goal setting when we’re looking to get in and stay in flow, and why our society’s obsession with making everything harder is completely bullshit.     Connect with Jackie: | | Instagram   Show Notes: -What it means to