Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

185 Adam Gilad - The Higher Game: How to Boldly Live and Love



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Some of life's biggest regrets revolve around our authenticity and our relationships. The choice of what and who we choose to give our time, attention, and love to can profoundly affect us and have long-lasting consequences, which is why it's a good idea to assess where you at and where you want to go. It's time to have the courage to free yourself of any relationship that isn't meeting your expectation or inspiring you to live your 'higher game.' Adam Gilad has had to do just that many time in his life in order to live inspired and to truly be supported in his great vision.  He's an inspiring speaker, writer, producer, and relationship expert that embodies the word 'boldness,' especially when it comes to finding and cultivating the relationships of his dreams. If you want to learn how to live the 'higher game' and live more boldly in your life, tune in to this episode!   Connect with Adam:   Show Notes: -How Adam came up with the name for his hot tub. -An imp