Douglas Family Gold Official Unofficial Podcast

DFG S1 E0 Preview Podcast



THIS WEEK'S EPISODE In this week's recap of DFG, Jessica, Spencer and Spanny discuss our hopes and fears for this long-awaited series: Gym Nerdy: we want footage from the national team training camp and lots of behind-the-scenes at meets. The Brand vs. The Person: we hope to see the real Gabby.  Taboos: Money, the pitfalls of the family running Gabby's business and love life. Addressing the Scandals: will the decision to leave her Olympic coach, Chow, or the real story behind Excalibur come up during the show? Or will we have to wait for Natalie to write her tell-all book? The Sexy People: we hope to see lots of Christian Gallardo and Coach Fernando in the gym and out. And of course, a drinking game.   RELATED LINKS Watch the first episode of Douglas Family Gold here. SUPPORT THE SHOW Join Club Gym Nerd here. Buy one of our awesome shirts here. RELATED EPISODES 143: The Return of Gabby Douglas Episode 129: Why Gabby Left Chow (or Chow left Gabby?) & Glasgow World Cup 191: Jesolo, Stuttgart and N